Mystic Realms is written by Christine Graves. Any and all writings posted on this site are the sole property of Christine Graves and may not be reproduced without written consent from the author. At any time that this site has a guest post, the author of that post will retain the rights to that post. Said posts may be published anywhere else at the author's discretion. All I ask is that you please mention that the post was first published on this site.
At some point, there will be ads placed on this site. This is simply to be able to keep going and maybe make some groovy improvements. I would like this site to become a place of otherworldly knowledge. Or at least entertaining enough to keep readers coming back.
I will be doing reviews on this site of books and websites throughout the cyber-verse. Any and all reviews will be my own words and true to the best of my ability. I will not simply post a positive review for any type of monetary reward or freebie. I wouldn't want someone else to do that to me, I won't do it to anyone else. Even if I get a free book or something along those lines, I'll be honest in my review. If the book sucks, I'm going to tell you.
Mystic Realms does NOT claim to be an expert in the field of ancient stuff, but I do know a lot of weird tidbits of information about ancient legends, modern mysteries, the unknown, and much more. My goal is to only pass some of that knowledge along and hope that readers will do more research and maybe come to their own conclusions. I will provide links whenever I can and I will make sure to note when a piece is of my own opinion.
Any and all images placed on this blog will be from free image sources and each will be given an attribute. I want to show off some of the cool imagery I've come across to go with some of my own stories, but I also want to make sure the artist behind the image is given full credit. I may even do whole reviews of those who offer up such awesome pictures to the outside world.
I will not post anything graphic, though I may discuss some unsavory topics. If I feel the piece needs a parental warning, I'll add it to the top of the post. However, I'd like this to be a site I'd be proud to show to my own family so it won't be too bad.
I will add to this list as time goes by. If I think of anything else, I'll make sure to get it in here. Thank you for your time and welcome to Mystic Realms.
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